How to create a memory puzzle game with Python and Pygame (#003)


Next, we need to draw our board on the main screen. For this tutorial, I am gonna use a simple green quare (50 * 50 pixel) to represent a covered pattern. 

As you can see from the picture above, there are 36 green squares and each square is separated by a distance of 10 pixels. So in order to draw those 36 squares on the main screen, we need to knwo the top-left corner coordinates for each of 36 squares. The syntax for drawing a square is:

                  screen, # surface to draw upon
                  (0,255,0), # square fill color 'green'
                  (x,y, 50,50))# square rect

screen:     the surface on which the green square wil be drawn

(0,255,0):  the 'green' color to fill the square 

(x,y,50,50): x and y are coordinates of the top-left corner of the green square, the two 50s represent the width and height of the square.

For 36 squares, we need to calculate all the top-left corner coordinates and store them into a list of lists coresponding with the data sturcture of the board we created last tutorial. 

def initialize_drawing_pos(start_p):
      # create the drawing coordinates data structure
      # coresponding to the game board
      # the starting drawing pos is (145, 65)
      # the square is a 50*50 pixels
      # the space between each boxes is 10 pixels
      starting_pos = start_p
      step = 60
      square_pos = []
      for i in range(6):
            for j in range(6):
                        (starting_pos[0]+60*j, starting_pos[1]+60*i))
      return square_pos

We define initialize_drawing_pos function, and the start_p parameter will take the top-left corner coordinates of the top-left square. In our tutorial, it is (145,65).

The nested for loops are similar to the board() function. We just use some math tricks and i and j values to append all the coordinates to the square_pos list.

So let's test the code:

square_pos = initialize_drawing_pos((145,65))

The output should be:

[[(145, 65), (205, 65), (265, 65), (325, 65), (385, 65), (445, 65)], [(145, 125), (205, 125), (265, 125), (325, 125), (385, 125), (445, 125)], [(145, 185), (205, 185), (265, 185), (325, 185), (385, 185), (445, 185)], [(145, 245), (205, 245), (265, 245), (325, 245), (385, 245), (445, 245)], [(145, 305), (205, 305), (265, 305), (325, 305), (385, 305), (445, 305)], [(145, 365), (205, 365), (265, 365), (325, 365), (385, 365), (445, 365)]]

It is a long list, let's modify the output:

square_pos = initialize_drawing_pos((145,65))
for i in range(6):
      for j in range(6):
            print(square_pos[i][j], end=' ')

The output should be:

(145, 65) (205, 65) (265, 65) (325, 65) (385, 65) (445, 65) 
(145, 125) (205, 125) (265, 125) (325, 125) (385, 125) (445, 125) 
(145, 185) (205, 185) (265, 185) (325, 185) (385, 185) (445, 185) 
(145, 245) (205, 245) (265, 245) (325, 245) (385, 245) (445, 245) 
(145, 305) (205, 305) (265, 305) (325, 305) (385, 305) (445, 305) 
(145, 365) (205, 365) (265, 365) (325, 365) (385, 365) (445, 365) 

So now, we have our desired list of all coordinates for drawing. 

Before we move to next tutorial, we need to modify the coordinates a little bit. Just look at the following picture.

In order to draw the green square, we really need the top left corner coordinates, such as (145,65). But later we are gonna use its center point (170, 90) to calculate the distance between mouse click point to the center point. So for that purpose, we could modify our code to store square center points instead. Because the center point has a offset of 25 pixels with the top-left corner, so it is easy to modify.

def initialize_drawing_pos(start_p):
      # create the drawing coordinates data structure
      # coresponding to the game board
      # the starting drawing pos is (145, 65)
      # the square is a 50*50 pixels
      # the space between each boxes is 10 pixels
      starting_pos = start_p
      step = 60
      square_pos = []
      for i in range(6):
            for j in range(6):
                        (starting_pos[0]+25+60*j, starting_pos[1]+25+60*i))
      return square_pos

We only need to modify the following code:

square_pos[i].append((starting_pos[0]+25+60*j, starting_pos[1]+25+60*i))

So let's print the ourput again.

(170, 90) (230, 90) (290, 90) (350, 90) (410, 90) (470, 90) 
(170, 150) (230, 150) (290, 150) (350, 150) (410, 150) (470, 150) 
(170, 210) (230, 210) (290, 210) (350, 210) (410, 210) (470, 210) 
(170, 270) (230, 270) (290, 270) (350, 270) (410, 270) (470, 270) 
(170, 330) (230, 330) (290, 330) (350, 330) (410, 330) (470, 330) 
(170, 390) (230, 390) (290, 390) (350, 390) (410, 390) (470, 390)

Well, we have finished our coordinates issue. In the next tutorial, we are gonna draw the green squares based on those values.


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